Providing life-changing opportunities to youth in Union County

Union County 4-H Foundation

 event guide advertising rates

1/8 Page     $30.00

1/4 Page     $60.00

1/2 Page     $120.00

Full Page     $250.00

 * Deadline for advertising is September 12th

 * * It is our goal to print and distribute at least 1,000  copies of our Festival Guide at our 2014 event.

a variety of ways you can help

To assist in providing those resources, the Union County 4-H Foundation is thrilled to host our 6th Annual Fall Festival on September 26th.    We are asking for your support to make our 2015 event even better than last year.  
We have a variety of opportunities for you to show your support and we make every effort to promote your company or organization.  Each opportunity offers various types of recognition for your generosity and, of course, all donations are tax-deductible (tax ID #56-2114321).

To be a part of our event and show your support, please contact Crystal Starkes, 4-H Agent, at 704-283-3735 or at

gold sponsor

A donation to the 4-H Foundation Fall Festival of $500-999.  Your name or business on all signage/banners at Fall Festival.  A one (1) page advertisement in the Fall Festival Guide, a PA announcement every 30 minutes during the event and one 18” x 24” sign on event grounds.  In addition, you will receive table space for your company  information/literature.

silver sponsor

A donation to the 4-H Foundation Fall Festival of $250-499.  Recognition

of you or your business in the Festival Guide with a ½ page ad and one 18” x 24” sign on event grounds.

4-h supporter

A donation to the 4-H Foundation Fall Festival of $50-249.  Recognition

of you or your business in the Festival Guide and one 18” x 24” sign on event grounds.

platinum sponsor

A donation to the 4-H Foundation Fall Festival of $1,000 or more. Your name or business (including logo) posted on the 4-H Foundation Website, your name or business on all signage/banners at Fall Festival, advertisement on two (2) pages in festival guide and a PA announcement every 30 minutes during the event.   You will also have table space for your company information/literature and two 18” x 24” signs on event grounds.

6th annual fall festival

sponsorship opportunities

​& advertising rates